The CiMUS of the USC puts the focus on the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease, the main cause of death risk in the world, on the occasion of World Heart Day Visit of the Secretary General for Universities and the Director of GAIN to the CiMUS of the USC Santiago de Compostela hosts the World Congress on Forensic Genetics led by the USC Sharing knowledge on cancer with the AECC La secretaria general de Investigación del Ministerio de Ciencia visita el CiMUS Scientific17/09/2024 CiMUS pre-doctoral researcher Diego González, awarded the BBVA Foundation-SEBBM Young Researchers Award Scientific12/09/2024 Las tesis del CiMUS: Mar García Colomer More news Upcoming events CiMUS Lecture24/09/2024Antibiotic resistance and bacteriophages in GeorgiaHelen (Elene) Phagava PhD Defense25/09/2024Papel de los receptores de hormonas tiroideas en la regulación hipotalámica del balance energéticoVerónica Rivas Limeres CiMUS Seminar27/09/2024Emerging pathways: Body weight biology and weight loss pharmacotherapyChristoffer Clemmensen More events Job offer(s) Search for candidates: Gene Regulatory Control in Disease. FPI grant offer / predoctoral aid associated with "Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2024" (Dr Marta Varela Rey)