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Exploring tumor vulnerabilities by targeting stress kinase signaling

Ángel R. Nebreda

ICREA and Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST), Barcelona, Spain.

19 Diciembre 2024 16:00–17:00

Hall, CiMUS

This conference is part of the V Annual CiMUS Workshop programme

Dr. Ángel Nebreda is the KEYNOTE SPEAKER invited to this new edition of the internal CiMUS Workshop.

The stress-activated kinase p38a is a regulator of normal tissue homeostasis, which can be hijacked during tumorigenesis, facilitating tumor formation and therapy resistance. I will focus on the mechanisms regulated by p38a that control tumor development and the response to chemotherapy. I will also discuss our recent efforts to identify alternative pathways that regulate tumor resistance to chemotherapy.

Angel R. Nebreda did his PhD in Salamanca, and postdoctoral work in Bethesda (USA) and London (UK). He started his research group in 1995 at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg (Germany). Then moved in 2004 to the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO) in Madrid, and in 2010 to the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) in Barcelona, where he is ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader at the Cancer Science Program.
The group has obtained funding from National and International sources, including ERC Advanced and Proof of Concept grants. Dr. Nebreda has a long-time experience investigating mechanisms of signal integration, and during the past 20 years has focused on molecular oncology. Current research topics include: Stress-activated protein kinases, Tumor cell homeostasis and chemoresistance mechanisms, and Cross talk between cancer cells and stromal cells. He has published 195 peer-reviewed papers (H-index 84, >28.000 citations).

Hosted by The V Annual CIMUS Workshop organizing committee