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Programa Integrativo Traslacional  | Teragnóstica y Protonterapia

New Approaches in Radiotherapy (NARA)

Área de conocimiento

Radiotherapy (RT) is one of the most frequently used methods for cancer treatment (above 50% of patients will receive RT). Despite remarkable advancements, the dose tolerances of normal tissues continue being the main limitation in RT. Finding novel approaches that allow increasing normal tissue resistance is of utmost importance. This would make it possible to escalate tumour dose, resulting in an improvement in cure rate. Along this line, the team New Approaches in Radiotherapy (NARA) works on the exploration on novel  and cutting-edge RT techniques.  Those innovative techniques are based on distinct dose delivery methods, activating differential radiobiology mechanisms, and offering promise of significantly increase the therapeutic index in difficult-to-treat cases today, such as glioblastoma multiforme.

Líneas de investigación

Our research is focused on the exploration of the vast “terra incognita” that is how the physics parameters of the irradiation modulate/activate the biological processes or responses to exogen stress (RT in this case) and how to effectively and rapidly use that link for the benefit of patients’ treatments. We aim at exploring the different axis of the irradiation parameters (space, time, particle type, etc.). More specifically, the following avenues are and will continue to be pursued: 

  1. Space: spatial fractionation of the dose in radiation therapy (GRID, minibeam radiation therapy).
  2. Time: how different time fractionations and time structure of the beam influences the treatments outcomes (hypofractionation, FLASH therapy).
  3. Particle type and energy: proton therapy, carbon ion therapy etc.
  4. Radio-immunotherapy combinations.

Our research is based on an upstream expertise in simulation, medical physics, and radiobiology, linked 
to a rich collaborative network covering several fields with a close interface with preclinical and clinical 
centers, the main ones being the Institut Curie, the Orsay Proton therapy Centre (CPO), the Institut 
Pasteur, HIMAC (Japan), LARN (Belgium), among others. 


Publicaciones seleccionadas

Oxygen supplementation in anesthesia can block FLASH effect and anti-tumor immunity in conventional proton therapy.

Iturri L, Bertho A, Lamirault C, Brisebard E, Juchaux M, Gilbert C, Espenon J, Sébrié C, Jourdain L, de Marzi L, Pouzoulet F, Muret J, Verrelle P, Prezado Y.

Proton FLASH Radiation Therapy and Immune Infiltration: Evaluation in an Orthotopic Glioma Rat Model

Iturri L, Bertho A, Lamirault C, Juchaux M, Gilbert C, Espenon J, Sebrie C, Jourdain L, Pouzoulet F, Verrelle P, De Marzi L, Prezado Y.

Evaluation of the Role of the Immune System Response After Minibeam Radiation Therapy.

Bertho A, Iturri L, Brisebard E, Juchaux M, Gilbert C, Ortiz R, Sebrie C, Jourdain L, Lamirault C, Ramasamy G, Pouzoulet F, Prezado Y.

Proton minibeam radiation therapy for treating metastases: A treatment plan study.

Ortiz R, Belshi R, De Marzi L, Prezado Y.

Resultados seleccionados


UE project(s)

Spatial fractionation of the dose in proton therapy: a novel therapeutic approach - ERC consolidator grant.
REF: 817908Duration: -
PI: Yolanda Prezado
European Commission

International project(s)

Radiothérapie par mini-faisceaux de protons : une nouvelle approche pour réduire les toxicités.
REF: Duration: -
PI: Yolanda Prezado
Effects of the temporal fractionation of FLASH radiotherapy.
REF: Duration: -
PI: Yolanda Prezado
Tumor control fficacy of optimised spatially fractionated techniques.
REF: Duration: -
PI: Yolanda Prezado
Radiotherapy-Activated Immunomodulating Niches. - Euronanomed
REF: Duration: -
PI: Marcos García Fuentes


LhARA: the Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications


Minibeam Radiotherapy Device United States of America.
Application Nº: 16/349,938
Yolanda Prezado; Batispte Janvier; Morgane Dos Santos.
Scanning device for proton minibeam radiation therapy.
Application Nº: PCT/EP2020/082766
Marios Sotiropoulos, Yolanda Prezado.
Proton minibeam radiation therapy.
Application Nº: 20815731.3
Tim Schneider; Annalisa Patriarca; Yolanda Prezado