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Miguel González Blanco

Group Leader | Associate Professor
Email [at]
Grupo de investigación
  • DNA Repair and Genome Integrity group leader at CiMUS-IDIS (2014-present) and Associate Professor in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department (2020-present) of Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.
  • 28 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals, including Nature, Cell, Molecular Cell, Developmental Cell and Nucleic Acids Research. H-index: 15, Total number of citations: 1356 (Scopus, April 2022).
  • Research stays at Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas Alberto Sols (Madrid), Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (New York) and Clare Hall Laboratories, London Research Institute, Cancer Research UK (London).
  • Awards: “Ramón y Cajal” fellow, 2012 call (USC, 2014-2019). Hardiman-Redon Prize for the best research article in 2008 (London Research Institute, Cancer Research UK, 2009). Extraordinary PhD thesis award (USC, 2006).
  • Member of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM).
  • For additional information: Lab website