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Bailando con moscas

Antonio Fontdevila Vivanco

Catedrático emérito de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

2 May 2024 17:00–18:00

Theatre room, CiMUS

About the conference:
Inspired by his long career as an itinerant evolutionist, Dr. Antonio Fontdevila seeks to convey his scientific and humanistic experiences, his approach to evolutionary genetics and the eco-social aspects he has encountered. In this talk, he will take advantage of the recent publication of his latest book entitled "Dancing with flies" to highlight the importance of basic science, focusing on evolutionary thinking to understand life on this planet. In this context, studying the model fly Drosophila (to which he has devoted much of his life) has been a tremendously successful process that has also led to a better understanding of humans.

Honorary Emeritus Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, he began as a leading researcher at the University of Santiago, being the first Professor of Genetics at our university. His long career as an evolutionary geneticist covers diverse aspects such as detecting natural selection, the genetic basis of speciation and the role of transposable elements in evolution. He has made many expeditions, mainly to South America, and stays as a visiting professor and sabbatical, which have allowed him to deepen not only in evolutionary knowledge but also in the humanistic context that surrounds scientific activity.

Hosted: Jose Tubío. Mobile Genomes Group, CiMUS

NOTE: This conference will be in Spanish.

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