Crash course in theragnostics, a clinical perspective
Alejandro Sánchez Crespo
Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm
Theatre room, CiMUS
Teragnosis is the practice of individually customising the therapy of certain cancer types by merging radiotherapeutic and functional diagnostic procedures into a single radiopharmaceutical. This seminar aims to provide examples from clinical practice and increase awareness of the technique.
Since 2005, Alejandro has worked as a medical physicist at Stockholm's Karolinska Hospital. Since 2012, he has also served as an associate professor in the Department of Oncology-Pathology at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Currently, he is interested in developing innovative approaches for individualised dosimetry using radiopharmaceuticals, as well as pharmacokinetic and radiomic models based on PET/CT/MR and SPECT/CT imaging.
Host PI: Pablo Aguiar. Molecular Imaging Biomarkers and Pharmacokinetic Modelling Group, CiMUS
Attendance certificates will be provided upon request to cimus.xestion [at] (cimus[dot]xestion[at]usc[dot]es). Please remember to register by writing your name and surname on the printed sheet. We will not be responsible for amending the records of anyone who fails to do so.