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Novelties in the ERC work program

Dr Laila Illán Rubio

Scientific Officer.  ERC Executive Agency (ERCEA)

18 December 2023 12:15–13:45

Theatre Room, CiMUS


The session would target potential ERC applicants to give them an overview of the ERC and its funding schemes with a special emphasis on the novelties of the new work program and explain to them how to apply to ERC (step-by-step advice: myth-breaking, "do's" and "don'ts").

It would comprise a short presentation/discussion with an ERC Panel Member and/or ERC grantee:

To resume, the idea is to provide those attending a broad overview of the ERC, a researcher's point of view and some tips from personal experiences in the preparation of the ERC proposal and the ERC evaluation process.

Hosted by PI Rubén Nogueiras. Molecular Metabolism Group. ERC Synergy Grant.