p53 and metaflammation in metabolic disease
Andreas Prokesch
Group leader, Gottfried Schatz Research Centre for Cell Signalling, Metabolism and Aging, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Theatre Room, CiMUS
Metaflammation, the obesity-associated inflammation of metabolic tissues, is a hallmark of the metabolic syndrome. In particular, adipose tissue (AT) and liver show a high fluctuation of innate and adaptive immune cells upon weight gain or loss. We investigate lipid-associated macrophages in AT and liver in the development of metabolic derangements and focus on p53 signalling in parenchymal cells as a regulator of metaflammation during fasting as weight loss intervention.
Research focus: Mechanisms of fasting in metabolic disease and cancer
Master thesis: National Institute of Health (NIH), Bethesda, USA
Doctoral thesis: Graz University of Technology, Austria
Postdoc time: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Current position: Group leader, Gottfried Schatz Research Centre for Cell Signalling, Metabolism and Aging, Medical University of Graz, Austria
Host PI: Rubén Nogueiras. Molecular Metabolism Group, CiMUS
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