PhD Defense
Regulación hipotalámica del balance energético. Papel de AMPKalfa2 e AMPKgamma2
Óscar Freire Agulleiro
PhD student at NeurObesity Group (P0L2), CiMUS
15 March 2024 11:00–14:00
Semipresencial (online + Theatre Room).
Supervisors: Miguel López, Carlos Diéguez
- President: Manuel Tena Sempere : IMBIC - Universidad de Córdoba.
- Secretary: Marcos Ríos García: Cancer and Genomic Sciences - Institute of Cancer Genomic Science.
Member: Ángela Martínez Valverde: IiBM (Instituto de investigaciones biomédicas Sols-Morreale) - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
LINK to access the viva