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¿Y eso de la perspectiva de género? ¿Tiene algo que ver con la transferencia… con el emprendimiento basado en el conocimiento?: Innovatia 8.3

Eva López Barrio

Transfer Technician at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Coordinator of the Innovatia 8.3 Programme

19 September 2023 13:00–14:00

Theatre Room, CiMUS

Conference series about Gender Equity and Inclusion


First talk in the Conferences series about gender equity and inclusion organised by CiMUS.


The trajectory of the Innovatia 8.3 Programme will be presented as proof that the transfer of knowledge with a gender perspective offers alternative models to technological entrepreneurship, more focused on people and the impact that science-based companies have on their environments.
Transferring and undertaking with a gender perspective is of interest to the university community. 



  • Since 2006, she has been responsible for the Women Entrepreneurs Programme, her area of specialisation being the support of business initiatives led by women.
  • Since 2012, tutor of the Axudas Emega da Secretaría Xeral da Igualdade da Xunta de Galicia.
  • Since 2011, Coordinator of the Innovatia 8.3 Project of the Instituto da Muller e para a Igualdade de Oportunidades.
  • Co-author of: "Manual de Procedimientos", "Guía de Emprendimiento en Igualdad" and "Guía para la elaboración de un plan de negocio".
  • Expert in different committees, working groups and observatories on gender equality.
  • She is a member of the Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas de España.
  • Named PIONERA by the University of Granada.
  • Reference for Executivas de Galicia.
  • Expert of the Gem Galicia and Gem España reports.
  • Mentor, among other programmes, of the Pulse Programme of the Everis Foundation, for the promotion of scientific-technological vocations among secondary school students.

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