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CiMUS Seminar

Circadian system development and antenatal glucocorticoids

Mariana Astiz

Ikerbasque Research Professor. Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, Bilbao, Spain.

21 Xuño 2024 13:00–14:00

Theatre room, CiMUS


Environmental factors early in life, impact on the development of the circadian system and determine its function in the long-term. Our research highlights the negative behavioural consequences of being exposed to glucocorticoids (GCs) at the wrong time of day during pregnancy, in mice and premature babies. We have found that the fetal clock controls the diurnal sensitivity to antenatal GCs during late gestation, being functional before initially thought.


Mariana Astiz has been recently appointed as an Ikerbasque researcher and joined Achucarro as leader of the Circadian Physiology lab. She studied Biochemistry and did her PhD in Argentina. She then moved to Madrid for a first postdoc at Cajal Institute and later to Germany for her second postdoctoral training at the University of Lübeck. Since 2022 she has established her own group, aiming at answering a long-standing question in the field: When (and how) does the circadian clock starts ticking. 

Host: Olga Barca Mayo. Circadian and Glial Biology Group

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