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Alba Vieites Prado

Group Leader | Ramón y Cajal Researcher
alba.vieites.prado [at]
Grupo de investigación

I am a Biologist specialized in Neurosciences (Ph.D. 2017, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela). I did my predoctoral training at the Laboratory of Clinical Neurosciences (LINC), under the supervision of Drs. Francisco Campos, José Castillo and Tomás Sobrino. During this period, I studied the therapeutic effects of hypothermia in the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in ischemic brain injury, and collaborated in multiple clinical studies, acquiring a wide perspective on translational neurosciences.

In 2018 I joined as a postdoc the laboratory of Dr. Nicolas Renier at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière (ICM) in Paris, where I focused on the study of brain plasticity, analyzing the relations between brain activity and axonal and vascular remodeling. During this period, I specialized in large-scale quantitative 3D microscopy, combining tissue clearing with light-sheet microscopy, and collaborating in the generation of new bioinformatic tools for quantitative analysis of Tb-sized image datasets (ClearMap toolbox).

My scientific track record of publications includes more than 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including highly cited interdisciplinary journals such as Cell or Science, and referent journals of specific fields, such as Stroke, Development, or J. Exp. Med. My career has been largely supported by national and international funding. Among them, a MSCA-IF (Call 2018) and a Ramón y Cajal tenure track position (Call 2021), have critically boosted my independence, leading me to establish my laboratory at CiMUS in 2023.