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Ángel Carracedo, winner of the 2024 International Health Law Lifetime Achievement Award

Yesterday, Ángel Carracedo, senior researcher at the CiMUS of the USC and coordinator of the Genomics and Bioinformatics group, received the 2024 Award for International Trajectory in the field of the Right to Health, promoted by the Regional Ministry of Health of the Government of Cantabria, through the 'Marqués de Valdecilla' Research Institute (IDIVAL).

To award this recognition, which aims to distinguish those figures of international research relevance, the IDIVAL valued Ángel Carracedo's contribution to promoting a culture of health research excellence and innovation. It also considered the contribution of his work and research to the benefit of the mental health of all people, through an important social commitment as a disseminator and a huge scientific and professional work, from various areas of leadership: academic, management, care and research, "all of them of great importance for global health and of international prestige".

In his speech, Ángel Carracedo expressed his gratitude for the award, highlighting his commitment to "personalised medicine" and advocating prevention to "anticipate the disease" in which the patient is the "axis of the system". In this respect, and as an example of personalised medicine, he highlighted the contribution of the Cohort Programme in Cantabria, which already has 40,000 volunteers.

At the event, together with the Regional Minister of Health, César Pascual, the rector of the UIMP, Carlos Andradas, in charge of the presentation, and the director of management of IDIVAL, Galo Peralta, who gave the laudatio of the honoree, followed by Carracedo's keynote lecture 'Genomics and precision medicine in the new digital reality', in which he addressed the evolution and new developments of the genetic component.