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The Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer presents the main provincial data and challenges in the CiMUS of the USC

  • About a hundred volunteers from the Provincial Board of the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer in A Coruña will meet at this unique centre for the presentation of 2023 results and objectives for this year and will have the opportunity to visit the laboratories, including some of the research groups supported by the Association's funding at the centre.
  • The Provincial Board of the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer in A Coruña has chosen CiMUS as it is currently the leading research centre in Galicia in attracting competitive funding in cancer, thus strengthening collaboration and synergies with its scientific groups.
  • It will take place tomorrow, Thursday 14th March, from 12:30 p.m. onwards.


The Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer will present tomorrow the results of its activity in 2023 and the objectives and projects it will face in 2024 in the province of A Coruña at the CiMUS of the USC. The Association has chosen this centre to bring together its volunteers to present its results and the progress of objectives for the current year, as well as to carry out the awards ceremony for the volunteer work of its Local Boards. In addition, the volunteers will have the opportunity to visit the Centre's laboratories, one of the leading research centres in Galicia in attracting competitive funding for cancer research.

Nearly a hundred volunteers from the Local Boards that make up the Association in the province will meet at this annual meeting in which the president of the Provincial Board of the Association in A Coruña, Manuel Aguilar, and the president of the Local Board of Santiago de Compostela, Francisco Pais, will participate, accompanied by the scientific director of CiMUS, Mabel Loza. This meeting aims to provide a space for the exchange of information and knowledge between volunteers, who raise funds to finance research, and researchers, who receive financial support to continue their work in cancer research, generating a chain of solidarity and knowledge that aims to increase the survival rates of the disease and improve the quality of life of patients and families.

Loza will be in charge of presenting the winners of the AECC Cancer Research Grants at the Centre, prior to the subsequent visit to some of the research groups supported by the Association's funding through research grants in the categories of General Project Aid, Seed Grants and Pre-doctoral Grants.

Beyond providing "funds that researchers need to propose solutions to cancer", the AECC grants "remind us that we will be accompanied during the research process, bringing together the vision of patients and the positivity of the Association, always with a view to transfer", says the CiMUS scientific director.


More than 620,000 euros for cancer research

Six CiMUS researchers have just received a total of 623,740 euros from the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer. The largest grant, amounting to almost 300,000 euros, is the AECC General Projects Grant, awarded to Dr Miguel López, director of the USC CiMUS NeuroObesity group. In addition, two AECC Seed Grants of 20,000 euros each were awarded to Aurora Gómez, principal investigator in the MitoPhenomics Lab at the CiMUS, and Lara García, researcher in the Molecular Imaging Biomarkers and Pharmacokinetic Modelling group. The Association also supports the researchers of this Centre, Emma Ramos, Adrián Aparicio and Alberto Tinahones with Predoctoral Grants worth 100,600 euros for the first two and 88,000 euros for the third researcher.

As stated in the report Radiografía sobre el estado de la investigación en cáncer en Galicia presented at the end of the year by the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, CiMUS is the leading research centre in Galicia in terms of attracting competitive funding in cancer, having obtained 51 projects in the three years analysed. The Singular Centre also supports the Association in its activities, joining initiatives such as "On the move against cancer" or the exhibition "Cancer research. An age-old challenge" exhibition, to name but a few of the most recent.