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Iria Gómez Touriño

Group leader | Associate professor
iria.gomez.tourino [at]

Dr. Iria Gomez-Tourino is Associate Professor at the USC since 2020, and group leader of the Immunity and Small Molecules Lab. She has been awarded several fellowships and awards, amounting for more than 1,580,000€, including two prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual fellowships (King’s College London, UK, 2013-2015, and USC, Spain, 2018-2020) and more recently the Career Development Award of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (2023-2028). The latter is aimed to foster the career of exceptionally promising researchers in the Type 1 Diabetes field, and only three researchers receive this award yearly around the globe. 67% of her publications are in D1 journals, this being the case for her last four articles (Nature Communications, Diabetologia, FASEB Journal and Nature Immunology). Dr. Gomez is also the inventor of 3 patents, European Union Expert Evaluator, and elected member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society of Immunology (2022-2026). She is also very active in outreach activities. 

Her main research interests are:

  • the identification and characterization of novel anti-inflammatory small molecules for the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
  • The study of mechanisms of autoreactivity underlying these pathologies. 

For further info or news about her group, please check the following profiles in Twitter and LinkedIn.