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Ismael González García

Group Leader | Ramón y Cajal Researcher
ismael.gonzalez [at]

Ismael González-García obtained his PhD in Endocrinology at the Department of Physiology (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain) in 2018. Then he moved to Germany as postdoc at Helmholtz Munich (Institute for Diabetes and Obesity) supported by Alexander von Humboldt and Marie Curie fellowships. In 2022, he was awarded with the Ramón y Cajal tenure track position and continued his research as group leader in the Center of Medical Research (CiMUS-USC) from January 2023.

He has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers in neuroendocrinology and metabolism, with more than 1400 citations. H-index: 18 (Google Scholar Profile).

He acts as a reviewer for several scientific journals, such as Molecular Metabolism, Metabolism, Neuroendocrinology, Journal of Endocrinology, etc.  He has served as an expert external assessor for the European Commission-MSCA Fellowships, the Polish National Science Centre and the Spanish National Research Agency (AEI).

He was awarded the Premio Extraordinario de Licenciatura (2011), Máster (2012) and Doctorado (2019).