1. EMBO Lab Leadership Courses:
These courses are provided by EMBO Solutions GmbH, a totally owned, non-profit subsidiary of EMBO, delivers these courses, which have been designed to improve the Leadership, communication, scientific writing, research integrity and other professional 'soft skills' are critical for a successful career in science. These courses are aimed at junior postdoctoral researchers and young PIs who wish to strengthen these aspects necessary for a good professional development in their scientific career.
2. The PaperMill workshops:
In order to facilitate the improvement of transversal skills to postdoc scientists and junior PIs, CiMUS offers several courses provided by The Paper Mill and aimed at maintaining the continuous training of researchers:
- “Managing myself & working with my team: A skills upgrade (Postdocs Edition & Group Leaders Edition)”, the goal of this workshop is to address the changing needs of increasingly expert researchers with growing responsibilities and pressures. This course is aimed at Junior PIs and Senior Postdocs about to become PIs.
- “Oral Presentations: Beyond slides”. This workshop explores key concepts and tools for designing and delivering scientific presentations. You will learn how to create and deliver oral presentations with engaging stories, taking into account both the context and the audience.